The Mainstream Media Lied To Me

The Mainstream Media Lied To Me

Whether you’re scrolling through your Instagram feed, watching newly posted Instagram Stories or Snapchats, or just sifting around different posts on your friend’s Facebook walls, there is an enormous pressure to look and dress a certain way today through social media. People are photo-shopping their pictures, posing with dramatic angles, and placing a pressure on men and women to adhere to these new types of impossible body standards we see glamorized on all social networks every single day.

In a Common Sense survey put out earlier this year, it found that 35 percent of people are worried about being tagged in unattractive photos, 27 percent feel stressed about how they look in posted photos, and 22 percent felt badly about themselves if their photos were ignored.

Naturally, these pressures are contributing to eating disorders, mental instability, and crash dieting and exercising that is not healthy or sustainable for individuals.

A Health Unique To You

Although you may feel pressured to exactly resemble the Instagram models in your feed every day, it’s important to recognize that no two bodies are the same. What works for one woman or man may not work for you. As a mixture of physical stature, genes, and environmental factors, health and fitness are completely unique to each person.

Accepting this as fact means you need to step away from the social media apps and into a program that is sustainable, supportive, and custom-tailored to meet a variety of bodily needs and goals. Your health is unique to YOU, and we’re going to show you why.

The BBM Program

A combination of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), plyometrics, yoga, Pilates, and core and conditioning training, the BBM Program covers absolutely everything essential to health and fitness development, regardless of your body type. Even if you have no fitness expertise or experience exercising, the program is designed to make you feel amazing and reenergized afterwards.

As a well-rounded health and wellness program that includes nutrition, the BBM Program includes no-fuss, weekly meal plans that are compatible with both vegans and meat lovers. The custom tailored meals are conducive to muscle building, and come with seasonal options that complement both the winter and summer months.

For those looking to supplement their new lifestyle with a little reading, there is a free eBook, Reclaim: The Blueprint to a Better You, available today. The book looks at things like why sleep matters, the importance of constant hydration, and how to bring your stress levels down.

Above all, the BBM Program and accompanying literature does something social media can’t do for you: it’s a custom-tailored, individual approach to losing weight, building muscle, and striking the perfect healthy balance that is unique to you. The mainstream media may have lied to you, but the BBM Program won’t. Give yourself a chance at safe, dependable healthiness today.